When I first started this class I thought it was going hate this class. I really enjoy writing but, I hate that you need to go back edit all my error but now I understand why I need to fix my problems so that my paper is the best that it can be. I have learned a lot about my writing process. For the first paper I didn’t do a very good job on prewriting I just sat down at the computer and typed what I was thinking about. I did the same for most of my paper and honestly it shows because on the evaluation paper that we had to do. I found that if I work hard on my pre writing process that it helps me make my paper stronger by giving a clearer point of what I want people to get out of my paper. I think that I still have a lot of grammar issues that could easily be fixed by just reading my paper out loud and truly reading it word for word and not just filling in the words that are suppose to be there. You have told me many times to read my papers out loud and I can easily notice the grammar errors that have been in all my papers. To be honest I would say that the research paper was the hardest paper that I wrote ever. I find it extremely hard for me to read something and turn things around to put them in my own words. Also the MLA format for citing other peoples work is hard not only for me but I am sure for other. I don’t think that I will ever truly understand what is expected from me I will still have to talk with the teacher and have them explain it in more details. The one thing that I will try to continue on is grammar. This is an on going issuer that in order to turn in 4.0 papers I will have to take extra time and work on them constantly.
Like I said before the evaluation paper was the only paper that I worked on a writing process for. So for that paper I started off by writing down some things that I remembered from the movie and then from there I wrote down what I wanted to get across to my readers. Once I had that all figured out I watched the movie and paid close attention to detail names, scenes, EST. From there I wrote down some additional information that I found interesting and moved things around to make it work in my paper. Before I wrote the paper I sat down and wrote the beginning and looked over that a few times to see if that is how I wanted it. Once I made my final decision I wrote my paper. I found that this process worked so much better than just writing what I thought. My paper had fewer errors and flowed much better. There are many ways that I could improve my writing papers but, the ones that are some huge issues that concern you as well as me. My prewriting process is one thing that I need to do for all my papers. I believe that my reflection paper could have been a 4.0 paper easily if I would have taken the time to do a pre write and work on common errors that I find in most of my papers. I will try to give my self more time to work on my papers and not wait until the last minute to write papers. I do procrastinate most of the time but as you see in my papers that if I could have given myself one day to work on pre writing and reading papers then I would have saved you a lot of ink in you pen.
I really enjoyed this class as a whole and am looking forward to speaking with you in the future about some choices that I should take in order to get the best advise on what I should do on my papers as well as on the education program.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
my feelings towards my portfolio
When I first started to work on my portfolio I got really frustrated it seemed as if I would never get anything done. My mind was scattered with all this information that I needed to do on every paper. Once I started to get the flow of things it went really well. I am happy with the end result of my portfolio I am looking forward to getting my grade but on the other hand I am very nervous because this is a huge part of my grade. As I look back to the first few days of this class and then think about what we are doing in the last week of class what a tremendous change in the way I write and how a attack my writing starting with pre write and topping it off with a well revised final draft.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
last 2 weeks of semister
I am really happy with the way I have done in this class. When I first walked into class I just thought it was going to be another boring writing class that all we would do is write papers turn them in and get a final grade. For me this is not the case at all I enjoyed this class allot with the exception of a few things (GPAWS). As I look back I realize that I have become such a better writer. starting with my Pre-write and finishing my papers strong on my final drafts. This class has truly changed my feelings towards writing paper and or writing in general for that matter. I am looking forward to turn in my portfolio on Thursday and then doing a few more things to my GPAWS. I will be very upset with myself if I don't get at least a 3.0 or higher in this not because I think the teacher was out to get me. but, because I have let my self down by not living up to the standards that i set for myself when I started this class.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hi my name is Mac Draft. I am a 25-year-old male that is currently living above a bowling alley. I have been working as an accountant for 5 years now but what most people don’t know I also work at a stripper at a place called Hairy Nuts. I enjoy working at Hairy Nuts I mean the pay is amazing and there are little extra perks that come with being a stripper. One of my favorites is I get to have sex allot. The only down fail is that I am kind of slow and I forget to use proper protection. In which this has lead me to be a father to five beautiful children. I love them all very much and I will continue to do whatever it takes to keep supporting them. I would like to stop stripping when they all get older but I have came to the conclusion that child support needs to be paid. So for now I will continue to strip. I am also a Accountant and my organization skills are amazing, I love wearing my nice suites and ties during the day then switching to my speedo by night. I love the thrill of living a double life. This weekend I get to see one of my kids, Amy, she is four and a half, the youngest of my five children. My mother comes to my home above the bowling alley to watch Amy for the night because my strippers job keeps me out late. Tonight is a Batchloret party one of my faves. This nights is an old ladies nigh at the club and I have t miss it because I have a Batchloret party I have to attend. Old ladies nights at the strip club are my absolute favorite! So, that is definitely a bummer but I am happy because I also love the Batchloret parties. I will go tonight wearing my best speedo! The silky, red, white, and blue American flag one! Oh man I am so excited. It will be a change for me just because I could have some ladies my age there. Who knows maybe I will get lucky again. In that case maybe I should stop by the store and pick up a few extras just to be on the safe side. After I leave the store I start heading towards the party. When all of a sudden a truck comes out of nowhere and smashes my passenenger side of my 1984 ford tempo.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Evaluation paper
I don't know how everyone else is doing in this paper but I am finding that this is more dificukt than i thought it would be. I have my topic and I have done alot of prewritting but I am just having alot of troubles just converting it into a great paper. I think that it is going to be very interesting to see how these papers turn out. I really dont think there is anymore that we can do I just think that it is going to be a challenge for me to surpass this writting mental block. well I am going to get back to working on this damn paper.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The simpsons is a comedy that has cartoon charters that are not the normal family that you would see in the real world. In the simpsons TV show there is always a situation that comes up somewhere in the show that we as humans can relate to. In the episode called "Springfeild" there are a few themes or situations. community expansion is something that you can see in just about every city from houses and school to business and companies. In the Springfield episode they talk about improving the econamy by having a casino built. In contrast to that people in the town become addicted to gambling. Marge becomes so upsested with gambling that she doesn't come home for days at a time. With marge not coming home the house becomes a hell hole. Not only does the house clean up get put on the back burners Marge didn't live up to her promise that she made Lisa. The promise was that they were going to work on lisa costume for her school project. When marge never shows up Homer makes the costume for Lisa and it ends up looking rediculous. Lisa gets all up set and stroms off. when Homer sees how upset his daughter is he marches down to casino and tells marge that she has a problem and she needs to get home ASAP your family misses you. Gambling can realte to many people in such as they have family members that gamble the money away that is suppose to pay for the bills and put food in the house. Gambling is a serious issue and will continue to be an issue. There is no way that we can just stop it. There are even adds on tv now that state don't let gambling take over your life or in some other words that mean about the same.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Final draft of Research paper
I am fully pleased with the way that my final draft of the research paper I have been working on for the last few weeks. I have received allot of good feed back from friends teachers and other that I let read it. I found that making up my work cited page was not to bad at all. I just looked at the paper that you (DeBaker) gave us and if I ran in to any troubles I just looked in the book on the pages that you told us to and followed the steps. With my luck I am talking about how good I did and then I just fail. I still think that allot of students are having trouble with the MLA format but sooner or later I think that everyone will have a good understanding of what teachers want from stud ens when turning a work cited page in MLA format. You have told us so many times I have lost count that it is impossible to do MLA Format from memory which I now understand is totally true.
Friday, November 2, 2007
reflection on research paper
After submitting my research paper online I found that I need to work on rewording my sentences. I don’t think that I did bad on writing this paper because a lot of it is my paper according the turnitin.com. Most of my hits that were found are at the beginning of my paper. So I need to look at my paper and reword some things to get my percent of my paper down. Which my percent of the paper that is my writing ands rewording is over 90 percent. I am not sure if we are not aloud to have any percent not being ours but I am sure that you (Debaker) will let us know either in a blog comment or just talk with us in class on Tuesday. I know that I did not just copy and paste the stuff that is in there but I cant but wonder what people are going to think when they see that there is percent that I supposedly didn’t write. I like the idea that we do turn our papers in to turnitin.com but on the other hand It makes me feel like others might not believe that I wrote some of the things in my paper I guess I need to either rewrite the stuff that come up or just cite the information. Wither way it is not a hard thing to fix but citing the information is going to be easier in my eyes because even if you do reword things it always seems to say that something is a copy of others work. I can’t believe that the semester is already close to an end. I think the next few weeks that we have left are going to be busy times and we have a lot of work still ahead.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What I want people to get from reading my research paper
When I am finished with my paper I want people to understand what Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma is. I want them to understand that live is not over just because you have cancer. There are many clinics that you can go to that will help and give you options for what you can do and how you can enjoy the time you have left on this earth. I also am going to go into great detail about what treatments are available Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma as-well as some cancer centers in the United States that people can go to or look into that can answer questions that they may have. I want to give as much detail as I can about treatment so people don’t think that are stuck with what one doctor may be saying. I am going to give a little back ground about what Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma is and the places that it effect the human body but my main objective is let people know there are other ways to deal with this type of cancer instead of just giving up hope. The question that I will address is What are the treatments of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer? Is there a possible cure for this type of cancer?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What I found while doing my research...
At first I didn't really like the idea that we had to use the JCC library. I just thought that you could find just as much information online and have enough to write a research. I do still think that way but on the other hand after working with database I realized that it gives you a wider range of information that the internet just doesn't do all that well. I really like that when using the database it doesn't just give you a website to go to it looks at articles, magazines, books, and any other source that can give you valuable information. I think that this a a great was to to gather information. I got allot of my information off the web today but I really happy with the way that the research has been going. I have found tons of reliable resources that I will be using in my research paper.
I changed my topic to do my research paper on...
After taking some time and thinking about what my paper should be about and if people can relater to it I deciced that I am not going to do my research paper on elementary education programs I really want to do it on Non Hodgkin's lymphoma. This is one of the most common kinds of cancer. I myself do not have cancer that I know of but my grandmother and uncle do. My uncle has delt with the pain and suffering that comes with Non Hodgkin's lymphoma for the ten years. The real reson why I chose this as my research paper because I want to inform as many people as possible of what it is and how it will effect you life. There are alot of places that I will be getting my resources from and I hope by the time that I turn un my final draft that I will have informed enough people to have them thereselves or the people that are around you to take this information seriously and go get checked out
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
research paper blog
The topic that I chose to do my research is elementary education. The reason why I am doing research on this topic is because it is what I want to do for a career. I really like to work with children and there is not a better job in the world to me than to teach young children the skills that the will need to become a great student and a asset to whatever they chose to do in life. I really don’t know that much about what it is going to take to become an elementary teacher but since that is the career of my choice I fell that it a very good idea to get as much information about this topic that I can so I have a complete background on it. The main question that I am going to try to get across in my paper is that steps it takes to become a elementary education. The main question that I want to get across is what is the process that I will have to go through to complete in order to become a successful teacher. Some sub questions that I am going to look into is what university in the surrounding area has the best elementary education program is available to me. Do I have to take more or less classes to become an elementary teacher or do i take the same classes that a person would if they are going to become a junior high or high school teacher. I am going to get as much information that I can about the topic by looking online and I want to talk to some of my current teachers about what they had to go threw to get to this point in their career and if they are currently working on anything else that would excel them to become a better teacher for example going back to college to get a master degree in the field of their choice
Sunday, October 14, 2007
half way already
Well as I sit here looking back thinking about what I have experienced over the last eight weeks. I realized that time has been going by really fast. I took four years off before returning to school and what I noticed the most is that college and high school are like day and night. I think that college is much more easier. teachers work with you unlike the high school i went through it just seemed like they just wanted to push you threw classes and get you the hell out of their hair. I like the flexibility of classes and there is the major factor that you are not forced on going to classes like you are when you are in high school. You are there for a general reason and you don't have to take all those pointless boring classes. I must say that I am very happy with the way my classes are going and as of right I am enjoying college to the fullest but I am sure that will change!!!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
I am most affraid of....
There has been many questions about his existence. It has been said that he is around 7ft tall and has a human like waddle. His body is covered with dark brown to black hair. He can be found mostly in cold climates around Canada and the northern part of the United States The experts call him Sasquatch, I like refer to him as Bigfoot or the scariest thing that could have ever existed. I have always had a fear of him as long as I could remember. I think that it started when I was little when I first saw a documentary on him. I watched it with one of my best friends. We both still to this day believe that he does exist and I think that we always will. I have been teased my whole life about it. I can remember this one time I must have been about thirteen or fourteen years old I was over at my best friends house and we were all hanging out having a good. We were flipping threw the channels and there he was. It was the same documentary that I saw when I was younger. I don’t think that I have ever been more focused on a show It was like I was in a trans or something. Well after the show was over we all we talking about the kitchen and somebody said what would you do if Bigfoot was out in the back yard right now. As I looked out through the thick sliding glass door I started to freak myself out and then out of no where I felt hands grab my arms and push me out in the dark. I tried to get back in but my friends would not let me back in. I was terrified I started pulling on the slider door and yelling let me in let me in all they did was laugh and continue to hold the door closed. Then they told me that Sasquatch was right behind me. I was so scared that I pulled on the door as hard as I could in the process I ended up pulling it off the track. Still to this day my best friends slider doesn't work the right way.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
My feeling towards my first graded paper
I am very happy with my grade. I didn't believe that I would receive such a good grade but I did put allot of hard work into the paper and like they say hard work always pays off in the end. I notice that some of the flaws that i thought I need to work on is true. My grammar is horrible. I need to take my time and read my paper over and over again. I also need to write the paper and then wait a few hours or even a day if I have time to wait that long before the paper is do or if I am not working on other things. If i just write a paper and then read it after I type it out then I just put in the words that are suppose to be there but never realize they aren’t. when I do realize that they are not there it is to late because I have all these red or black marks all over my paper. I need to just relax and let my writing flow and see where it takes me. I am a strong writer and I know that I can do better it is just going to take me a little more time and patience. I am looking forward to the next paper which is due Tuesday. I just hope that I can keep my grades up and work toward turning in some amazing papers throughout the remainder of this class and throughout my college career.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
What a long weekend
I know it sounds really bad that I am saying this but I hate that I had almost a week off from school. I mean it was nice to relax but I really didn’t get a chance to do that. Well on Friday I had to get my boat out of the water and put in storage for the winter Saturday I got up early to take out my dock I thought that I was going to be in deep trouble because I don’t have any waiters but I was luck because another guy that was there to help had a really bad cold So I just used his. Once we started taking things apart I realized that the water wasn’t really that cold so even if I didn’t have the waiters then I think everything would be ok. Once we finished with the dock and put everything away I came home took a shower grabbed something to eat and sat down on the couch and watched some college football. Like usual I had to take a little cat nap. I woke up around 10 that night watched a little more TV and went to bed for the night. Sunday I usually just relax watch football and enjoy the day off but that didn’t happen this time. I received a phone call at 8:30 from my dad he told me to get some work clothes on that he had a job for me to help him with. He didn’t go into details but I just had a feeling that it was not going to be fun at all. When I pulled up to this house I didn’t see the truck in the driveway. It was weird that it was not in its normal spot but then I remembered that he went to my uncles and cut up wood so he can keep the house warm all winter. I got out of my car and walked around the barn and there was his truck. SMASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked him “What the hell happened. He just looked up at me and said “I was cutting down a tree and it ended up falling the wrong way.” I was like no sh*t and went to the back of the truck to see how much damage it did to the truck. It landed right on the back of the truck but it could not have landed on a better place right over the axles so the shocks and springs took most of the force. I was just happy that it didn’t smash the cab cause then it would not be drive able. We worked on the box for about 2 hours and finally got everything lose to take the box off the truck. Once the box was off of the vehicle we went around the truck and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the frame. It was a miracle but the frame was not bent at all which was amazing because if the frame was bent the truck would be useless but on the good note at least he would get a new truck. so need less to say if you know anybody that has a box for a Chevy pick up truck has to be long bed that they are will to sell please let me know
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What I think about my This I beleive paper
To be completely honest this was one of the hardest papers I have written. The main part of the story was really easy to come up with but I found it extremely difficult to explain what I believe in on paper. It is really easy just to say that I believe in something but when you have to write it down and turn it in as a paper I thought that it was hard. When I first started my paper I was relaxed and thought that it would take me an hour tops to write the paper and I could watch some TV. Man was I wrong I got about a page written and just froze up. I couldn’t think of anything that would relate to my believe. So I thought to myself that I have to many distractions so I got off AIM, turned off the TV and turned on some music. It did held at first but I got about half way through a paragraph and froze up again. After sitting there for about five minutes I got really upset. I started swearing and just went kind of nuts. I don’t think that I have ever gotten that mad at a paper in my life. When I finished my paper it was like a huge weigh was lifted off my shoulders. Some of my concerns about the paper were Am I getting my point across about my believe enough that the reader was understanding what I am saying but after getting fantastic feedback from my peers I came to realize that
I had written a well rounded paper. I think that I can write and stay on track very well. I can follow the guidelines and I think I am a good writer in general but I guess I will find out when I get my rough draft back and the final of my reflection. I think that I will try to do something’s different on my brainstorming. That is a huge flaw in my writing process that I need to work on.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Boondock Saints
This is by far one of if not the best movie that I have seen in a long time. It is about these to Irish brother's that work as meat cutters and later become guys that just go around a kill people that have done wrong in their eyes. This is a very fast paced action packed movie. Another thing that I like about the movies is that when the two brother get ready to go in an kill the bad guys the movies cuts back to the police investigation an the police try to figure out what happened just from the evidence that is left behind. This not a movie that everyone will like there is swearing, guns, fighting, drinking and allot of blood. Right from the start of the movie you can tell if you are going to watch it or just shut it off. There is a bar scene at the beginning of the movie were they are all at the bar because it is St. patty's day and that is what Irish people do. The two brother end up beat ting the hell out of 3 mafia guys and later the next day they come back for revenage but the Irish brothers have differnt plans. The door gets kicked in and it is 2 of the mafia guys that they beat up the night before. They hit one brother in the head with a handgun and take the other brother out the door but before the two mafia guys go to kill the one brother they handcuff the other brother to the toilet. With his brothers life on his mind he decided to ripe the toilet off the floor. In the process of ripping the toilet off the floor the handcuffs tear into his wrist and they start to bleed. With wrist bleeding he gets the strength to climb out the window that over looks the alley, he positions himself over the mafia guy that now has his gun pressed against he brothers head and drops the toilet that he still had in his hands and it lands on teh bad guys head killing him. while the toilet is falling he jumps off the balcaney and lands on the other mafia guy killing the mafia guy but also knocks himself out too. That is just one of many great scens throughout this movie
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My wrtting
I believe that I am a very stong writting in general. I can give good discribtion and keep my reader very interested in my work. I have some flaws though. when I am writting my mind is think of what I should write and it sounds great but when it comes ot being put on paper or typing it out it becomes a problem. In my reflection paper I thought I did a very good job at letting the reader know who Matt was and how much of an influence that he had on my life. I also thought that the paper flows very well. I kept on track and put some of my best work in this paper. I think that my biggest weakness is reading over my paper and put the words that are missing to make a sentence sound good. so when I read over all my paper I think that I am going to take some time off after the paper is done and then come back to it and hopefully that will help me out to make my papers to be the best that I can make them. I am suer that I have had many 4.0 papers but with my reading flawright after I get done with it is just not working and that is my goal to get very high scores on my papers and become a stronger writter
Over salted buger
When I first heard about this story on cnn I was in shock. how can some get charged with over salting hambuger meat it is just plan stupid. to think that someone made a mistake at work cost her a night in jail. She worked in the back and you cant see who is coming through the drive through. I really think that the cop just over reacted and was mad becasue didnt enjoy the food her was sevred. I really dont think that someone would do something to a cops let alone do it to the hole batch of hambuger meat. I mean be honest do you think that she whould do something like that to jeoperdize her job. I dont know about where she is from but here in jackson and in michigan alone jobs are something that you can afford to lose their job. If she was working the window and spit in the food then I would understand but with someone working in the back of the resturant made a mistake and now she is looking at crimanal charages with is total BS. If this happened to me or one of my froend or even someone that I have never heard of I would go crazy.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Higgins Lake Trip
I can still remember the trip we took to Higgins Lake. There is was Matt our friend Will and I loading up in Matt's 89 Gmc pick up truck. It was a tight fit It felt like I was getting constricted like a boa consricter does to its pray. Here I am in the middle of two huges guys. Matt was about 315lbs and Will was about 295lbs and then that lives me about 125lbs sopping wet and that is on a good day. We left Matt's house at about 2 am and it take 3 hours or more to get there. We got about half way and it just started raining like cats and dogs. Unfortunately we didn have a top or a cover over the back were all of our camping stuff was, at one point it was raining so hard that we had to pull over just until the rain let up some. I think that we arrived at the camp ground at about 8 am. Needless to say that we got lost on the way. I really hate getting lost and to be between those tow guys was torch er. After a few hours of sleep we went into town and grabbed a bit to eat and then heading to the lake. I have never heard of Higgins Lake before this trip and I thought it was going to another lake and nothing special. I have never been so wrong in my life. It was a clearest and cleanest lake I have ever been to. The water tasted like aquafina but it felt like you fell through the ice in the winter time that is how cold the water was. We only stayed there for a week but it was really nice to get away for a while and really relax. Those are the memories that I enjoy the most with Matt.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Let it snow By David Sedaris
I really enjoyed the story because it was talking about the snow and how the children would go outside and play with in it. It reminded me of my childhood going outside at the first drop of snow an hoping the next there would not be any school. The children's parents are really strange. The father never seems to never be there and the mother is there but drinks It is really sad but at the same time it is really good that the children all get along and can play with each other and have a good time. I was shocked that their mother locked them out of the house I mean it is new york and it is freezing outside they could have easily could have froze to death. My over all feelings about the story is that some people dont have the perfect parents but when you have siblings that all can get along you can come up some really strange ways to get back into your house when you get locked out by your crazy mother
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Goal and fears in englsh 131
I would like to improve my writting skills throughout this class. Another goal that I have in this class is to show what type of writter that I am. One of my biggest goals in class is to work on grammer and spelling. I am the first person to tell you that I am the world worst speller. I would also like to work on my typing skills as well. One of my biggest fears in school and in this class is that I might not fit in or complete my goals in life as well as in school. I am excited about the school year but in on the other hand I am scarred as well. I guess that time will tell and hopefully that I will becoem a better writter after i complete this course
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