Tuesday, November 13, 2007


The simpsons is a comedy that has cartoon charters that are not the normal family that you would see in the real world. In the simpsons TV show there is always a situation that comes up somewhere in the show that we as humans can relate to. In the episode called "Springfeild" there are a few themes or situations. community expansion is something that you can see in just about every city from houses and school to business and companies. In the Springfield episode they talk about improving the econamy by having a casino built. In contrast to that people in the town become addicted to gambling. Marge becomes so upsested with gambling that she doesn't come home for days at a time. With marge not coming home the house becomes a hell hole. Not only does the house clean up get put on the back burners Marge didn't live up to her promise that she made Lisa. The promise was that they were going to work on lisa costume for her school project. When marge never shows up Homer makes the costume for Lisa and it ends up looking rediculous. Lisa gets all up set and stroms off. when Homer sees how upset his daughter is he marches down to casino and tells marge that she has a problem and she needs to get home ASAP your family misses you. Gambling can realte to many people in such as they have family members that gamble the money away that is suppose to pay for the bills and put food in the house. Gambling is a serious issue and will continue to be an issue. There is no way that we can just stop it. There are even adds on tv now that state don't let gambling take over your life or in some other words that mean about the same.

1 comment:

Dave DeBaker said...

You're doing a little too much summing up the plot and not too much evaluating. You bring up points at the end that give us some idea about your feelings for the episode as it relates to the gambling stuff, but it's not clear what you think of the episode. Did you like how the episode addressed gambling issues? Or was it a negative for you? What else did you like or not like?