Sunday, October 14, 2007

half way already

Well as I sit here looking back thinking about what I have experienced over the last eight weeks. I realized that time has been going by really fast. I took four years off before returning to school and what I noticed the most is that college and high school are like day and night. I think that college is much more easier. teachers work with you unlike the high school i went through it just seemed like they just wanted to push you threw classes and get you the hell out of their hair. I like the flexibility of classes and there is the major factor that you are not forced on going to classes like you are when you are in high school. You are there for a general reason and you don't have to take all those pointless boring classes. I must say that I am very happy with the way my classes are going and as of right I am enjoying college to the fullest but I am sure that will change!!!!

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