Monday, October 8, 2007

I am most affraid of....

There has been many questions about his existence. It has been said that he is around 7ft tall and has a human like waddle. His body is covered with dark brown to black hair. He can be found mostly in cold climates around Canada and the northern part of the United States The experts call him Sasquatch, I like refer to him as Bigfoot or the scariest thing that could have ever existed. I have always had a fear of him as long as I could remember. I think that it started when I was little when I first saw a documentary on him. I watched it with one of my best friends. We both still to this day believe that he does exist and I think that we always will. I have been teased my whole life about it. I can remember this one time I must have been about thirteen or fourteen years old I was over at my best friends house and we were all hanging out having a good. We were flipping threw the channels and there he was. It was the same documentary that I saw when I was younger. I don’t think that I have ever been more focused on a show It was like I was in a trans or something. Well after the show was over we all we talking about the kitchen and somebody said what would you do if Bigfoot was out in the back yard right now. As I looked out through the thick sliding glass door I started to freak myself out and then out of no where I felt hands grab my arms and push me out in the dark. I tried to get back in but my friends would not let me back in. I was terrified I started pulling on the slider door and yelling let me in let me in all they did was laugh and continue to hold the door closed. Then they told me that Sasquatch was right behind me. I was so scared that I pulled on the door as hard as I could in the process I ended up pulling it off the track. Still to this day my best friends slider doesn't work the right way.

1 comment:

Dave DeBaker said...

It's funny how if you see something at a certain time that scares you, it stays with you no matter how old you are.